If your looking for Latakia, then search no further, this has it. I've been perfectly happy smoking it consistently and plan on getting lots more. Pirate Cake is a hybrid weed strain. Cornell & Diehl Pipe Tobaccos include hundreds of blends made in the US with top-quality leaf from all over the world. Its one of the best, Very robust and authentic tobacco english..strong..wow. Robust and transparent research methodology, conducted in-country. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! Still very high. Some say its unidimensional. Coming in bulk as it does it is a good value, and based on the oil content I bet this blend would be perfect for coloring up a nice shiny new meer. The cake itself has that delicious campfire aroma to it, but it doesn't seem to come out as much in the bowl. It actually made my neighbor come out and ask if I was burning tires. :), Now, being serious, while it is indeed very smoky, the leathery taste is also there, which is very very interesting. I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. The smokiness is cool and mellow, very nice, but I failed to really see how this was a team effort. The included Turkish is also very high quality and the perfect compliment. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. Give it a try. I have no idea what the room note is because I smoke on the porch but I imagine it would be very potent. Smoked in a new Missouri corncob to understand better the flavors and subtleties. But it is a flawed treasure. Not much subtlety here folks, so do not come expecting a complex blend. But every once in a while I crave nothing but that smokey goodness you can only get with a "lat-bomb&qu ot;. Great blend. 3-4 lights to get going. I don't smoke pirate kake very often but a few times a month I do get a CRAVING for it, and it always delivers. Pirate kake rrrrr jim lad and dont ye smoke it all at once. It lit up very easily with no dry time and even though the taste was a single note it was not at all overwhelming . The Burley just donates body and rounds up the mixture. The age has definitely blended the strong latakia together into the others. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. The dominant terpene in this strain is pinene. When I first tried this, I thought it was disgusting. Initial Flavor: Latakia! I recommend this blend without any reservation. Cheers or, yarrrh! It burns very cool & absolutely refuses to bite. This stuff is fantastic with a very rich latakia taste and a elegant plume of white fragrant smoke. Troppo Latakia? I really wanted to like this tobacco, but I find the heavy latakia blend to be too parching to enjoy regularly. I also detected an unusual Oriental scent when snorked, hold on.., it's a freshly split oak log with shellac coating scent ( Turkish?, Burley?),. Watch out,if smoked too fast you will get a big punch. Theres a lot of leathery smell in this one as well. The room note does not offend like my old latakia did. Whatever. It's alottalatakia, ALOTTALATAKIA!. Not overly complex but not monochromatic either. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. Central to the belief of Twelver Shiism was the idea that. Pirate kake is no exception. the sweetness of the cavendish cut burley seems a perfect low key accompaniment to all those dark smoky flavours I want from the lat and orientals. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." I love Latakia but just why. this one is a big one , with strengh and interesting flavours , it needs a quiet ambiance to aassess its extent ; one of my favorites. I really tried to like the taste, but not being a regular consumer of Latakia, I found that exotic leaf to be simply "over the top" in this instance. I like latakia as a condiment, even sometimes as a chief component take HH Latakia Flake for example but this stuff is just disgusting. Not an everyday smoke, but a great cold weather pleasure, to mix up the rotation. 4-stars. Step away from this if you are not a latakia addicted. Well, I have to admit, Latakia and Turkish tobaccos smell, well, yeah maybe like the musky lather of a salted slave. I knew I would like this blend based on your reviews. like alot of C and D it's pretty dry . One may leave the cake form, without rubbing entirely, in its tin. Just received it in the mail. The smoke was heavy yet disappeared quickly, but whether I sipped or puffed it stayed heavy until half way down the bowl when it grew even thicker and did not disappear. Cold smell is very smoky - woodfire and leather dominant. Not drowning out the others but definitely the Captain of this outfit. As always YMMV. I really enjoy PK. It was very smoky yet smooth (smelled a bit like a camp fire). We all had the same conclusion that this pipe tobacco reminds one of a fine cigar. A very cool and pleasent smoke. I think all Cornell & Diehl blends are aggressive in your taste, but this the proof that i was wrong. Smoke it slow! The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. My significant other, who is a real trooper for not complaining about me smoking pipes in the house, left the room as the aroma was a bit much for her. I would truly smoke this over a lot of other sought after blends. Tasting this one as it evolves and reveals more of itself has been very rewarding, especially for a latakiaphile like myself. soli Deo gloria. The nose on the smoke is so pleasing! How much latakia is too much? The Turkish and burley add a good amount of body. Latakia blends are my favorites. I'm sure this has something to do with my humidifying skills, so I usually only buy a couple of ounces at a time. I was told that this blend is 70% latakia, and I believe it. But you might be asking; when should I smoke it? I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. This and the pipe I used in smoking the "Lat Bomb" were given to me a generous friend and this smoke was an adventure worthy of the name "pirate." Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. I suppose the nicotine kick comes from the burley. Not nearly as overpowering as some say. It is easy to rub a little off and I didn't find the need for a knife as I have with other pressed blocks. A pipe is to be savored. Pirate Kake starts off tasting like a lightly salted, buttered biscuit, the butter making a creamy filling for the pastry. Thank you c&D please if you have never tried it. This has a very fresh tin aroma, almost perfume like. Tobacco is all about unique taste experiences, and the worst part of eating leather is swallowing it, which is remarkably mitigated in smoke form. Just beaucoup latakia from beginning to end. The overall effect is very good, similar to and in my opinion better than Mississippi River. Compared to other Latakia-rich mixtures, I found Pirate Kake to be a flavorful yet monochromatic smoke. Any drying, IMHO, would lessen the wonderful smokiness, which is the star attribute here. The best latakia tobacco ever. I find PK to be a charmingly enjoyable blend, smooth as butter, rich with wood, earth and leather, along with some sweet coupled with sea salt (and a mineral-like element that I cant quite put my finger on its not quite soda-like but it sits right behind the salt). . Although the Burley adds body, it's the distinct flavor of Orientals in the mix which makes this blend enjoyable beyond just tasting like a smoky campfire. Pipe Used: Peterson 1910, Savinelli Autograph, Stanwell 30. Just beware of the extremely strong room note: while not particularly nasty (unless you hate latakia), its ghost will haunt your house for many days, haunting your house!!! It burns slow and lights easy. It smells amazing." Smooth and creamy may seem incompatible with aformentiond sensations, but somehow it isn?t with Pirate Kake. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. Temple incense with a side of grilled beef. Another winner from C&D. All these come to mind when smoking the kake. I just wanted to add my four stars to this terrific blend. Highly reccomended. I am not sure how I heard about Cornell & Diehl but I do remember that at the time they only sold in pound bulk. This is a fine smoke for a snowy winter night, I will be ordering up the one pound bag very soon, this one is a winner. I really want to like it, but it's too strong. The tin description should scare off all but the most hardened latakiaphiles. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. It packed well for me in a small LHS Purex. The Turkish/orientals are dry and very floral. an ?Arrrrrggggh!? At first you are like.. wow this is fantastic. This is a very smooth and great smoking tobacco. It has a herbal/ clove undertone to the smokiness that I get in Syrian Latakia. This is a dark black brick which crumbles into wonderful flakes very easily and is able to be sprinked and packed nicely - a few lighter colored flakes are evident in the crumbling. I love the slightly creamy and sweet flavor of this one. This is a hefty stout LATAKIA, probally Syrian the way it is good and SMOKEY. Made from several high quality latakias including syrian and cyprian. Less sweet, more nutty, camp fire smokiness. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. I highly recommend it. A little would go a long way. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. Love this stuff. OE was suppose to cut the heavy Latakia of PK , but one thing it does is bring the Burley slightly into play, that I don't like. No, that isn?t a bad thing! To my good fortune the tins were already a year aged when I received them and a little over 2yrs old when I popped the first one. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience! For three years now Ive been reading about Lat-Bombs in countless reviews, and I kept scratching my head: Ive smoked lots of blends with Latakia so what the hell is a Lat-Bomb? Pirate Kake 2oz Tin.
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